Complete Guide to #10 Envelope Size

Have you ever taken a moment to look at the envelopes you receive in the mail every day? Chances are, the #10 envelope size is the one you receive the most. This size is the most common business envelope size, making it perfect for all kinds of business and personal communication. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the # 10 envelope size.
What Is #10 Envelope Size?
Simply put, the standard #10 envelope size is an envelope with sides that measure 4.125x9.5. This size is perfect for mailing one or more pieces of 8.5x11 size paper, folded into thirds.
The United States Postal Service calls the #10 envelope size a letter size, meaning that it typically can be sent with postage stamps for letters.
#10 Envelope Size Uses
#10 envelopes are extremely versatile and are helpful tools in many fields. They can be useful in the following scenarios:
- Client and company updates
- Invoices and account statements
- Letters from management
- Marketing materials
- And more!
Whatever your communication needs, there’s a good chance that a #10 envelope will fit the job perfectly.
#10 Envelope Design
Envelope design might seem simple on the surface, but it contains hidden depths. After all, when you send out a mailing, your envelope is the first item that the recipient sees. Based solely on your envelope, they choose to either open the envelope and see what you’ve sent, or throw your envelope away unopened, your message unread. Therefore, an excellent printed envelope is the key to successful communication.
Include Eye-Catching Colors
Did you know that color improves brand recognition by 80%? Take advantage of this statistic by including full color printing on your envelopes. In addition to making your envelopes look professional and attractive, color printing will increase the likelihood that recipients will recognize your company and decide to open your envelope.
Consider Adding A Window
If you’re primarily sending business letters or invoices which include the recipients’ names and addresses at the top, adding a window to your envelopes can save time and money. Let the name and address on the letter also serve as the envelope’s mailing address, thereby saving time and printing costs.
Add An Additional Message
Envelope design isn’t limited to return addresses and logos. Your envelope is the perfect opportunity to include your company’s contact information, and maybe even a message that explains what’s inside the envelope and encourages recipients to open it.
In particular, if you’re targeting potential customers and trying to expand your reach in your community, be sure to take advantage of every strategy that encourages recipients to open your envelope.
Work With The Envelope Printing Experts
The #10 envelope size is one of the staples of business printing, and here at ZoePrint, we are business printing specialists. We can help you print all of your envelopes and other business materials, and we love helping our client succeed! We print both full color and one or two color envelopes, so you can get just what you need. When you’re ready to print using the #10 envelope size, fill out an order form or request a custom quote.