Basketball Program Printing: The Complete Guide

Wondering how to pump up team spirit and increase attendance at your basketball games? Consider printing a custom basketball program. Creating your own sports program is easy and cheap, and it makes for a great keepsake.
In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about basketball program design and printing, so that you can create programs that make readers cheer.
Types Of Basketball Programs
Your basketball program can take a wide range of forms. Here are some of the most common types of programs that you can print.
Game Programs
Basketball programs let fans know who to cheer for. You can distribute them at games, tournaments, and championships, and they give players the recognition they deserve. These programs often have the names and positions of the teammates and coaching staff, and they can also contain ads for local businesses.
Event Programs For Awards Ceremonies And Team Banquets
Basketball programs help communities celebrate their players. Programs provide structure for awards ceremonies, and they let attendees know which awards will be distributed. You can consider including all of the players’ names to ensure that everyone is celebrated, whether or not they receive an award.
Calendar Programs
Printing mini programs containing a schedule of the season’s home and away games lets friends, families, and fans plan for upcoming games. These can take the form of small booklets, pocket calendars, or leaflets that you place inside your programs.
Why Basketball Program Printing Matters
Sports program printing makes a difference. By printing custom basketball programs for your team, you do the following:
- Encourage your team. Seeing your name in print feels powerful. Printing programs that celebrate players give them the confidence and drive to play their best.
- Offer fan memorabilia. From jerseys to pennants and more, fans love keepsakes from their favorite teams, so printing programs for your basketball team gives the fans what they’re looking for.
- Create memories. Players and family members alike will treasure the memories of playing on the basketball team. A well-designed printed youth basketball program gives everyone something to look back at for decades to come, as they remember the exciting moments on the court and that special time of life.
- Give order to an event. A program is a helpful organization tool for events such as sports banquets and awards ceremonies. By providing the order of events, including which awards will be presented and who will present them, you make sure everyone is on the same page.
How To Design Your Basketball Program
Your basketball program design will depend on what you intend to use it for. Here are some guidelines that can be useful no matter what your goal for your program is.
Use Your Team’s Colors
This one is hard to forget, but it’s still worth mentioning: incorporate your team’s colors into your basketball program design. For a school team, be sure to include your school logo, mascots, or other meaningful imagery such as a school slogan.
Include Player Bios
In order to cheer on your team, attendees need to know who they’re cheering for. Therefore, be sure to include every player's photo, statistics and personal information in your program so your fans will be in the know. This also encourages players to try their best, since they know that the public will see their stats.
Consider Adding Ads
It’s a fact of life: running a basketball team–and printing programs–takes money. You can offset some or all of these costs by letting local businesses place ads in your program. This is a win-win, as you get some extra cash and businesses get to expand their reach in your community.
Consult The Professionals
Design is important in creating interest for your readers. Quality professional photography can also make a real difference in the look of the final printed piece. Depending on how much money you have to spend, you may opt to use professional photographers and designers both to save time and improve your design. Feel free to ask your print partner if they offer design services that can help make your program even better.
Sports Program Printing Tips
All types of sports programs benefit from professional printing. Here’s what to keep in mind as you go through the print process.
Larger Isn’t Always Better
When you’re printing your programs, consider what size you really need. You can choose from full size or half size programs depending on your budget and the amount of information you have to print. In many cases, a 5.5x8.5 size booklet will offer more than enough space for everything you want to say in your program. However, if you want to spread out even more and include large photos, you can size up to a 8.5x11 size booklet.
On the other hand, if you’re making a program for an event such as a ceremony, you can consider creating a simple, one-page folded program. This offers enough space for readers to follow along with the event while being kind to your budget.
Printing In Color Adds Excitement
You can rev up your team and make your next game even more exciting by creating quality full color basketball programs. When printing in color, readers can see the team or school colors, and you can include action photos of teammates and previous games that pump up the team spirit.
Pick A Paper
If you’re printing your programs in color, make sure to print on a glossy paper. This will ensure that the images have clear definition and the colors pop off the page. 80# and 100# gloss text are top options that make your programs shine.
Team Up With The Basketball Program Printing Experts
When you’re ready to get started printing your basketball programs, be sure to give ZoePrint a try. With decades of printing basketball programs and other sports program printing, we can make the items you’re looking for at a price you’ll love. We also specialize in rush projects and will get your printing done fast.
To get started, order your programs online or ask ZoePrint for a custom quote.