How To Print A Concert Flyer That Hits All The Right Notes

Music makes the world a better place. Whether it’s classical or electronica, performed by students, professionals, or DJs, everyone knows the joy of losing themselves in music. Whether you lead a school band, teach private music lessons, or conduct an orchestra, here are the top printing tips to keep in mind to make your performance a success!
Spread The Word With A Great Concert Flyer
Distributing a well-designed concert flyer is one of the best ways to let community members know about your event.
- Tip #1: Go big. When it comes to your concert flyer, bigger is often better. Don’t go overboard, of course, but an 8.5x11 flyer is the smallest you should consider. Concert flyers often contain a lot of information, including composers’, soloists’, and orchestras’ names, so give yourself ample space to include all the details you need. Some great concert flyer sizes include 8.5x14, 11x17, and 12x18.
- Tip #2: Go glossy. The best flyer is the one that gets seen. Therefore, print your flyer on a paper such as 80# or 100# gloss text paper. The glossy paper will make the colors on your flyer pop, which helps people notice it as they walk past.
- Tip #3: Go wild. Let your imagination lead you! If your concert has a theme, decorate your concert flyer in a way that relates. Since the goal of your flyer is to be seen, incorporate design elements that draw attention.
Local schools, libraries, and other community gathering places are often happy to help music groups advertise their upcoming events, so once you’ve printed your flyers, don’t hesitate to inquire.
Help Your Students Feel Seen In Music Recital Programs
Music students work hard to prepare for every recital. When your students see their names printed in the program, they’ll feel confident that their practice has paid off. When designing music recital programs, remember these tips:
- Tip #1: Think about formality. If your recitals are sophisticated events, adjust your programs accordingly. Use a thicker, more luxurious paper such as a 100# cover paper, or opt for a finishing process such as rounded corners. If the recitals are on the casual side, a lighter-weight paper such as 20# or 60# text paper might do the trick.
- Tip #2: Add a splash of color. To celebrate your students and keep readers engaged in your music recital programs, consider printing in color or on a colorful paper. Younger students in particular love to see their names in color!
- Tip #3: Don’t forget a welcome message. You’ve witnessed your students’ growth as people and musicians over the course of your relationship. Recognize this growth with a short welcome message in your recital programs. Your students and their families will love that extra special touch!
With these recommendations in mind, you’re ready to print music recital programs that the whole family will love!
Go Into Detail In Your Concert Programs
Concert programs are the ultimate guides to musical events. As the audience listens to the performance, the programs help them understand what they’re hearing. When printing your concert programs, think about the following ideas:
- Tip #1: Keep your design consistent. If your group performs at regular intervals, such as every semester or every year, keep the basics of your program design the same from one concert to the next. Attendees will associate your design with your performances, and they’ll become attached to the tradition of attending your performances.
- Tip #2: Give yourself space to spread out. Explaining an entire concert takes a lot of words! Give yourself space for details by printing booklet-style concert programs. With four, eight, or twelve pages, you’re able to provide a conductor’s note or welcome message, list the names of the performers, and explain the historical context behind the music. Bonus tip: when printing booklet-style programs, opting for sturdier cover papers will help your programs last longer!
- Tip #3: Consider your font. Font has a huge effect on the feel of a document. There’s a reason why there are thousands of fonts to choose from! When designing your concert programs, choose a font that contributes to the mood you’re aiming for. If you’re performing contemporary music, consider a stylish font such as Moderna. For classical music, a classic font such as Enchanted Land is a great choice.
Let The Professionals Help!
One of the most important components of a great concert program is a great printing company. That’s where ZoePrint enters the equation! With decades of experience printing concert programs, we can print exactly what you’re looking for at an affordable price. We can even design your programs for you!
To make your music recital programs a reality, order online or get a custom quote!